The K9 Advancers class builds on the behaviours, skills and knowledge you will have gained on the K9 Beginners class. We will work at progressing some behaviours following the 3 D's protocol but also introduce lots of new behaviours. With lots of games, skill development and fun, you and your dog will enhance your relationship and build an even stronger bond.
Duration Sits/Stays
Distraction Sits/Stays
Advanced Walking Techniques
About Turns
Emergency Get Aways
Choice Based Grooming
Next Level Recall
Chase Recall
Emergency Stops
Livestock Habituation
Making cars fun!
And much, much more!!!!
Class Term : 6 weeks
Duration : 1 hr per week plus homework
Price : £85.00
Have completed the K9 Beginners Class
Maximum 6 Dogs per Class
All class materials and guides will be accessible through the Learning Management System. You will be sent your login information via email.